Village of Czar
Czar is a village in central Alberta. It is located 70 kilometres (43 mi) west of the Saskatchewan border, at the intersection of Highway 13, Buffalo Trail (Highway 41).
The population of the Village of Czar according to the 2016 census is 202.
The Village is a vibrant little community nestled in the heart of cattle country. The motto is “Where the Cowboys Reign” is no mistake, as the Village is surrounded by ranchland and feedlot operations.
Boasting all of the amenities, the Village of Czar is a very vibrant little community. 2017 was the centennial year for the Village, and it was celebrated in fine fashion. The annual Christmas Party has become a can’t miss event for families in the area and is held annually in December. Just down the road, is the Shorncliffe Lake Park, which is a busy place during the summer months with everything from baseball tournaments, to swimming lessons, to the fastest growing PBR in Canada the Czar Lake Bullarama.
There is much to see and do around the Village of Czar. We hope you drop in often to keep up with our busy little village.
See you on the trail.